A little about me…

I grew up on a farm in California where I experienced every stage of life through my own family and the animals we cared for and where I developed a love for nature, animals, & the beauty of God’s creation.

Growing up in a large family with five siblings and several cousins, I’ve always felt a calling towards anything to do with motherhood and by the time I reached high school I had already read every “What to Expect” book my mother had. It wasn’t until 2020, when my oldest sister had her first child through a complicated pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum that I really discovered my love for serving women during this sacred time and learned about what a doula is through a sweet friend, and fellow doula, Kait.

I graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelors in Anthropology where I discovered more about maternal health globally and hope to some day use my birth experience in medical missions to serve women around the world.

I married my high school sweetheart, Justin, in 2021 and we decided to stay in Waco with our sweet pup, Maggie. When I’m not working, you can probably find me in our garden harvesting herbs, in our kitchen baking fresh bread, or you won’t be able to find me because I’m off on an adventure with my husband looking for the nearest mountains.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, & whoever loves has been born of God & knows God.
— John 4:7